This month we are celebrating the birth of one of our mentors, the late, great Dr. Christopher Hills, known Internationally as “The Father of Spirulina” for his vision and groundbreaking research into this superfood that is now known all over the planet! Christopher had retired early as a wealthy man and decided to travel the world searching for a deeper understanding of his own spirituality. The search led him to India where he encountered a village that was in the midst of a famine. Feeling powerless to help, Christopher offered a prayer that he be led to a solution that could end world hunger. Eventually, he learned about Spirulina and through testing discovered that it really did hold the potential of ending hunger. It is the only food other than mother’s milk that can be lived on with nothing else. Although we don’t think of ourselves as starving in the Western World, what other food could we eat with so much nutrition that a person can actually thrive on it? This super food will keep you healthy to enjoy life and having a couple of jars or boxes on the shelf could give a person life sustaining food for a month or two in the event of an emergency.
After many failed attempts to get various world governments to grow Spirulina he founded the Light Force Family (a marketing company) to gain acceptance of Spirulina by making it popular. His plan was to use the profit from the company to fund research into the super food and to support world hunger projects, which he did in a big way. He also supported research done at Harvard University that showed promise to end one of the most dreaded diseases in the world, but that is another story!

We were fortunate to meet Dr. Hills and to begin working with him in 1981. After the success of Light Force, and after Dr. Hills’ death, we launched New Phoenix Rising to carry on the vision of the highest quality Spirulina and other solution based products, combined with the most advanced energy medicine technology, (Quantum Infusion) much like what Dr. Hills pioneered so many years ago.
This month we honor Christopher and his vision for a world where all people are fed. It is with our deepest gratitude that we say thank you to Christopher and his wife Norah for bringing such a beautiful vision to life.
For those who want to learn more about the life of this amazing human, please go to his Wikipedia page for a fascinating read.