Act Wisely and Thrive!

One of our greatest acts of rebellion right now may be in the choices we make regarding what we put in our bodies several times daily as well as the thoughts we allow into our consciousness on a moment to moment basis. Remember that your positive actions are a literal and energetic pattern that is needed on this planet right now, as there is a very strong energy and momentum that is moving away from life. As one person, you may not be able to stop that negative energy train, but you can be a part of the “derailment team” by choosing to be the change you wish to see around you. By so doing, you help to create a new energetic pattern for your own soul first and for others around you, especially the young ones who are the future of humanity. What we are saying here is: Who you are and what you do definitely matters beyond what you might imagine.

In the News

The following 2 headlines and subsequent articles appeared in the news media this past week in the New York Times and on NPR Radio:

“From anxiety to cancer, the evidence against ultra-processed food piles up”


“U.S drops in new global happiness ranking”
from number 15 to 23 according to the latest Gallup World Poll! Sadly, young people are the most affected

Young teenage girl feeling depressed
Young people are the most affected by the drop

This is BIG news in the media who typically tend to bow to their corporate sponsors (Big Pharma & giant food companies, among others) and not publish articles that tell the truth about what is going on with our food supply. The bigger question is how this is affecting the consciousness of the millions of people who unknowingly partake in this global travesty?

This brief article will give you a starting point so that you can do further research for yourself about what has been done and is currently being done to our food supply. Most importantly, what it does to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies that keep us sick, stuck and confused.

Organic vs. Conventional Food

Chemicals sprayed on food
Conventional Agriculture

Of paramount importance these days is to eat organically! With many “conventionally grown” foods the workers who plant, tend and pick them are required by law to wear HAZMAT SUITS FOR THEIR WORK BECAUSE THEY ARE WORKING WITH POISONS! Often these poisons do not wash off because they are embedded into the food itself through the growing process! If you are eating conventional animal products (including dairy) they are loaded with antibiotics and hormones. Sadly, the majority of restaurants today serve only conventionally grown food and when you go out to eat at most places, that’s what you consume. ALWAYS ask for organic, vote with your dollars by shopping at the stores and restaurants that offer them and refuse to eat or buy from ones that do not.

GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms)

It is crucially important right to avoid GMO “foods.” Almost every U.S. citizen is dealing with inflammation in their body whether you are a 2 or 102 years old. GMO foods are said to cause many issues including perforations in the intestines which then leak undigested foods into the blood stream which sets up inflammation in the body. A cell in the body cannot absorb nutrients or rid the body of toxins if it is inflamed. Inflammation is said to be associated with almost every chronic disease known.

In addition, many GMO foods are grown with a “terminator gene” in the actual seed. Terminated seeds on an energetic level are a “death message” contributing to what may be one of the biggest mental health crisis the world has known. With all our wealth and privilege as a country, when we realize that the U.S. is now ranked #23 in the world for happiness, it begs the question: what is going on? The food we eat and the energy it carries does have an effect on our mental/emotional/spiritual health as well as the physical.

This is only a brief overview of what occurs mainly in the physical body but nonetheless is a contributing factor in the U.S.’s drop on the healthy nation index to number 35. This is astounding when you consider that the United States was near the top of the list not that long ago.

Grow Your Own

Grow a garden!
Grow a garden!

It’s past time for each of us to start connecting the dots and taking responsibility for our wellbeing on all levels. Making wise choices about the foods we allow in our diet and taking into consideration where they are grown and how they are grown is a big fist step. A revival is underway in learning about growing our own foods so incorporating a small garden, or container garden can be an easy mix in our daily life. If we are growing with organic soil (living soil) all the better as it has wonderful microbes that penetrate the skin as we allow our hands to be in the soil.

Enter BioLumina Spirulina

Now for a reminder about Mother Nature’s original super food that can assist you on every level, BioLumina Spirulina. On our website, we talk about it as “beyond organic” since the growing process far exceeds anything you can buy or grow organically. With many certifications, 40 tests done on a regular basis, (including nano-scale testing which no other farm in the world does) a Phycocyanin content unheard of with any other Spirulina, Quantum Infusion; the state-of-the-art energy-medicine process (and the list goes on…), it is little wonder that people are so loyal to our beloved product!

Growing the Best Stuff

Since Spirulina is an organism that is said to be 3.6 BILLION years old, you are literally eating a “wisdom food” that has learned to thrive, which is one of our primary lessons right now as humans. BioLumina is grown in the most ideal conditions …a hot desert climate, between 110-130 degrees Fahrenheit (43 to 54 degrees Celsius) and because of these ideal conditions it can be grown from beginning to harvest in 3 days! This also means that because of the short growing cycle, if there is any pollution in the air it will have less environmental toxins than an organic carrot (or just about any other crop!) Because of the short duration of exposure.

Processing in the Best Way

Because Spirulina begins to deteriorate as soon as it’s out of the water, we use a low temperature flash-dry process taking the Spirulina from the ponds to dry in minutes. This also ensures that the Spirulina is still alive but in a dormant state when it comes to you. Spirulina in the wild can naturally dry out and go into a dormant state and remain that way literally for years. It is one of many things that make it unique and a great food for storage purposes. It is the perfect food to shake or blend if you are busy for a quick super-nutrition break or if you are traveling and want optimal food that you may not find on the road, a quick shake-up with juice will keep you going.

Fasting and Thriving

New Phoenix Rising Co-Founder Lyndia Leonard once fasted with it for over 80 days! Many of those days were spent on the road traveling, speaking on radio and television, letting people know what this could do for their health, the health of their pets, plants etc., and most importantly (especially for right now with starvation and famine toping the world scene) as a food that could be quickly grown, harvested and fed to starving people. This last statement was known and written about in the 1970’s by the United Nations!

Remember: It’s Up to Us!


New Phoenix Rising Blog


We are committed to be of assistance in the evolution of human consciousness. Through cultivating Authenticity, Congruence and Empowerment, and by enhancing people’s ability to choose Health, Abundance and love, we are fostering the development of Global Spiritual Community based on freedom, personal creativity and harmony with Nature.

Lance & Lyndia Leonard

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